Photo by Karim Sakhibgareev on Unsplash

This Woman of Grace

For Erika

She walks along the creek as morning dawns,

The woods not fully striped in orange and red,

Her thoughts aside, her steps in fullness drawn,

To witness peace and justice, the truth be said.

Her life, her love, this land that gives abundant

Breath, memories strewn amongst the fallen leaves,

Footsteps whisper secrets most divine—oh, resplendent

Sky. Awake! Every day’s birthday weaves

Humanity’s inward light from outward zones

Of manifold splendor, cherished evolving forms—

Being as one, becoming as many, bones

To narrate and stride across the arc of norms.

She knows this tale from before the word said yes,

This woman of grace, her life shining bright and blessed.

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